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Mindful Flow Yoga
A guide to yoga props (10:03)
Surya Namaskara A (12:07)
Surya Namaskara B (10:17)
Chandra Namaskara (19:07)
Variations of Savasana (12:05)
Downward Dog (6:16)
Opening Mantra (12:56)
Why We Om (4:50)
Intro to Pranayama (4:00)
10 minute practice for lower back (12:34)
Lower Back First Aid (11:34)
February 2025
Monday Class Link
Wednesday Class Link
Subtle X , 2/3/25 (50:49)
Heart & Lungs, 2/5/25 (53:03)
3 Sets of Heels, 2/10/25 (46:51)
Breath Body, 2/12/25 (46:06)
Januray 2025, Sankalpa
Wed 1/8/25 (41:59)
Sankalpa, 1/13/25 (47:25)
Sravana, a willingness to listen deeply, 1/15/25 (46:26)
Dharma & the Bull, 1/22/25 (50:03)
First Pillar of Dharma - Tapas, 1/27/25 (48:52)
Sankalpa, dharma, & ashram, 1/29/25 (48:09)
Yoga Philosophy & Lifestyle
Reading List
December 2024
Simplicity, 12/4/24 (43:15)
Moving into Pranayama, 12/9/24 (53:36)
Drishtri & Avidya, 12/11/24 (45:34)
Backbending, 12/16/24 (48:34)
Finding Light, 12/18/24 (47:05)
Hippy Holiday, 12/23/24 (48:32)
Planting Intentions in the New Moon and New Year, 12/30/24 (47:29)
November 2024, Tension & Strength
Noticing Tension & Strength, 11/4/24 (51:11)
Ahimsa, 11/6/24 (47:32)
A story from my first yoga class, 11/13/24 (49:44)
Resilience, 11/18/24 (50:38)
Integration, 11/20/24 (49:42)
October 2024, Myth & Meaning
New Moon, 10/2/24 (44:26)
Trimurti, 10/7/24 (44:07)
Krishna Eats Dirt, 10/9/24 (50:31)
Krishna on the Battlefield, 10/14/24 (46:39)
Ganesha's Tusk & My Own Path to Yoga, 10/16/24 (50:36)
Shiva's Throat, 10/21/24 (48:12)
Obstacles, 10/28/24 (52:04)
Lakshmi's Diwali Blessings, 10/30/24 (52:23)
September 2024, Salute to the Elements
New Beginnings, 9/4/24 (48:07)
Spinal River, 9/9/24 (49:34)
Shinrin-yoku, Forest Bathing, 9/11/24 (43:04)
Vata Season, 9/16/24 (49:59)
Organs of Earth & Water, 9/18/24 (50:33)
Fall Equinox, 9/23/24 (50:27)
Vayu Flow, 9/25/24 (42:56)
Holding Space, 9/30/24 (48:55)
August 2024
Revisiting the Feet as Mirrors of the Body, 8/5/24
Remembering Chakras, 8/7/24
Ida, Pingala, Shushumna, 8/12/24
Avidya, 8/14/24 (52:26)
Action without Attachment, 8/19/24 (54:43)
Waning Summer, 8/21/24 (46:25)
Atha - Now, 8/26/24 (42:24)
The Practice Begins When..., 8/28/24 (47:37)
July 2024
Stillpoint, 7/1/24 (45:55)
Refuge, 7/3/24 (52:16)
Svadhyaya, 7/8/24 (49:45)
Lumbar Love, 7/10/24 (51:59)
Cleaning up with Saucha, 7/15/24 (51:24)
Questioning Attachement: Raga, 7/17/24 (46:41)
Revisiting the Four Yogas - a practice fror 7/22/24
Finding Balance, a practice for 7/24/24 (37:18)
Reflecting back on Abhinivesha, 7/29/24
Revisiting Eyes of the Heart, 7/31/24
June 2024, SHIVA cont. & yogini's choice
Nigraha: Concealment & Consciousness, 6/3/24 (47:22)
Anugraha: Revelation,6/5/24 (48:45)
Grounding practice for the transition to summer, 6/10/24 (33:43)
Kidney Loop, 6/17/24 (42:06)
Juneteenth & Your Own True Splendour, 6/19/24 (35:40)
Revisiting classes from the past, 6/24/24
Heels of the Head, 6/26/24 (48:56)
May 2024, SHIVA
Welcoming in the Dichotomy, 5/1/24 (55:17)
Ground Zero, 5/6/24 (45:58)
The Murti & Me, 5/8/24 (48:18)
Low Back & Hips, 5/13/24 (46:49)
Srsti: from subtle to gross, 5/20/24 (54:12)
Sthiti: the energy that holds form together, 5/22/24 (56:46)
Samhara: from gross back to subtle, 5/29/24 (43:22)
April 2024
Short Flow, 4/1/24 (42:42)
Gunas & the Quality of your Presence,4/3/24 (51:22)
Lunar-Solar Practice! 4/8/24 (46:56)
A Practice for your Vestibular System, 4/10/24 (54:12)
Potpourri Class, 4/15/24 (46:58)
Spinal Flow, 4/17/24 (53:00)
XBox Body, 4/22/24 (48:46)
Weaving in Pranayama, 4/24/24 (53:14)
Lumbar Flow, 4/29/24 (51:02)
March 2024
Air & Space, 3/4/24 (51:38)
Asana through the lens of sound, 3/6/24 (50:23)
Strength, Stability, & Flexibility, 3/11/24 (44:25)
The X in You, 3/13/24 (51:51)
Seeding Spring, 3/18/24 (51:19)
Spinal Flow, 3/20/24 (51:03)
Full Moon Practice, 3/25/24 (49:34)
Propped up, 3/27/24 (53:26)
February 2024, Grounding
Grounding into your Practice
Ground with Awareness, 2/5/24 (49:20)
Earthy Bones, 2/7/24 (57:00)
Apana Vayu, 2/12/24 (49:16)
Prithvi Body, 2/14/24 (52:28)
Grounding = Listening Deeply, 2/19/24 (51:17)
Embodied Presence, 2/21/24 (54:41)
Grounding in a Vata World, 2/26/24 (51:21)
Grounding Integration, 2/28/24 (59:14)
Januray 2024, Softening into the New Year
New Year Intentions, 1/3/24 (54:02)
Softening, 1/8/24 (49:32)
Opening, 1/10/24 (53:11)
Jaw Softening, 1/15/24 (43:56)
Heart Softening, 1/17/24 (54:42)
Softening Down, 1/22/24 (48:05)
Approaching Backbends Gently, 1/24/24 (56:50)
Spinal Range Of Movement, 1/29/24 (33:03)
Softening Around Rigidity, 1/31/24 (50:14)
Why Soften?
December 2023
Hips!, 12/11/23 (43:29)
Silence, 12/13/23 (37:37)
Warrior Flow, 12/18/23 (46:04)
Mini Practice for Neck & Shoulders (25:20)
Mini Practice for Psoas (19:26)
November 2023
Practicing with Discord, 11/1/23 (61:01)
Potpourri Practice, 11/6/23 (43:55)
Sandwich Week, 11/13/23 (51:59)
Psoas, 11/15/23 (54:20)
Digestion, 11/27/23 (45:38)
Inner Fire, 11/29/23 (56:50)
October 2023, Prana Body
Intro to the energies of Prana, 10/2/23 (49:13)
Pranic Body in Practice, 10/4/23 (56:21)
Subtle Quality, 10/9/23 (47:28)
Pranas & Doshas, 10/16/23 (45:56)
Flow class, 10/18/23 (55:32)
Ojas, Tejas, and Prana, 10/23/23 (48:46)
Rooting into the Shoulders, 10/25/23 (65:53)
Surya & the Grey Zone (52:30)
September 2023, Dynamic Breathing
Stillpoint, 9/6/23 (46:05)
Breath & Abdominal Breathing, 9/11/23 (52:23)
Breath & Lymphatic Flow, 9/13/23 (64:57)
Divine Spine, 9/18/23 (44:51)
Sacral Hips, 9/20/23 (57:19)
Pressure Management, 9/25/23 (46:40)
Getting Loopy, 9/27/23 (57:39)
August 2023
Lumbar Practice, 8/2/23 (62:10)
Equilibrium, 8/7/23 (48:13)
Hips & Thighs, 8/9/23 (58:37)
Shoulders, 8/16/23 (67:36)
Rainy Monday, 8/21/23 (49:13)
Pranayama Focus, 8/23/23 (64:34)
Brahmana Practice, 8/28/23 (46:25)
July 2023
July 3, 2023 (47:43)
Hips, July 5, 2023 (59:58)
Sita, 7/10/23 (51:36)
Sadhana, 7/12/23 (61:31)
Hippy Class for Adventuring, 7/17/23 (46:10)
All around, 7/24/23 (47:10)
Spaces Between, 7/26/23 (60:37)
Sierra Practice, 7/31/23 (46:20)
June 2023, The Ramayana
Union of Opposites, 6/5/23 (49:18)
Intro to the Ramayana, 6/7/23 (61:50)
The Kandas, 6/12/23 (47:47)
Integration Practice, 6/14/23 (55:14)
Rama, 6/19/23 (50:26)
May 2023, Compassion
Inviting Compassion, 5/1/23 (50:29)
Self-compassion 1, 5/3/23 (61:54)
Radical Self-Compassion: a Restorative Practice, 5/8/23 (48:19)
Tonglen , 5/10/23 (58:04)
Mothering, 5/15/23 (46:58)
Surrender, 5/17/23 (58:47)
Connection, 5/22/23 (47:59)
Self-Care, 5/24/23 (63:57)
Integration, 5/31/23 (60:28)
April 2023, Yogini's Choice
A Practice for Your Lumbar, 4/3/23 (39:05)
On Hope, 4/5/23 (39:09)
Sama Vritti vs Vishama Vritti, 4/10/23 (50:14)
Stillpoint, 4/12/23 (67:33)
Opening & Looping, 4/17/23 (55:06)
Hips, 4/19/23 (57:58)
Transitions, 4/26/23 (66:18)
March 2023, Ida, Pingala, & Sushumna
Intro, 3/1/23 (58:15)
Ida, Chandra Bhedana, 3/6/23 (49:24)
A Time for Receiving, 3/8/23 (66:39)
Pingala, Surya Bhedana, 3/13/23 (47:26)
A Time for Giving, 3/15/23 (67:24)
Sushumna, 3/22/23 (67:45)
Weaving Together, 3/27/23 (49:04)
The Known, The Knowing, & The Knower, 3/29/23 (49:34)
February 2023, The Five Vayus
Wednesday 2/1/23 (59:38)
Prana Vayu, 2/6/23 (48:52)
Apana Vayu, 2/8/23
Samana Vayu, 2/13/23 (53:46)
Udana Vayu, 2/15/23 (70:07)
Vyana Vayu, 2/20/23 (48:48)
Integration Class, 2/22/23 (69:26)
Vayu Mudras, 2/27/23 (47:48)
January 2023, Intentions
Starting the Year, 1/2/23 (51:41)
Sadhanas, 1/4/23 (64:48)
Resetting, 1/9/23 (53:10)
Revisiting, 1/11/23 (67:09)
Steadfastness, 1/17/23 (71:58)
Sankalpa, 1/23/23 (50:33)
Staying with it, 1/25/23 (68:50)
Integrate your heart, 1/30/23 (48:14)
December 2022, Darkness & Light
Breathing Light, 12/5/22 (45:06)
Illuminating the Muscular System, 12/7/22 (64:24)
Welcoming the Shanti Mantra, 12/12/22 (12:56)
Embracing the Dark, 12/14/22 (68:58)
Spotlighting vs Flood Lights, 12/19/22 (52:11)
Moving into the Light, 12/21/22 (62:21)
October & November 2022, The Chakras
Chakra Systems Intro, 10/5/22 (69:59)
Root Chakra, 10/10/22 (50:46)
Svadhisthana Chakra, 10/12/22 (71:14)
Nabhi Chakra, 10/24/22 (49:35)
Manipura Chakra, 10/26/22 (70:50)
Anahata Chakra, 10/31/22 (50:55)
Hridyaya Chakra, 11/2/22 (72:52)
Vishuddha Chakra, 11/7/22 (48:08)
Kantha Chakra, 11/9/22 (62:34)
Ajna Chakra, 11/14/22 (50:56)
Bruhmadhya Chakra, 11/16/22 (65:10)
Sahasrara Chakra, 11/28/22 (48:59)
Five Chakra Integration, 11/30/22 (64:11)
September 2022, AUM
Pranavah, 9/12/22 (49:12)
Aaa-uuu-mmm, 9/14/22 (68:46)
Universality, 9/19/22 (51:42)
Sutras 1.28 & 1.29, 9/21/22 (71:20)
Waking & Dreaming, 9/26/22 (50:42)
Benefits of a/h-umming, 9/28/22 (67:31)
August 2022, Goddesses & the Divine Feminine
Shakti, 8/1/22 (52:42)
Kali Ma, 8/3/22 (65:15)
Saraswati, 8/8/22 (49:24)
Durga, 8/10/22 (64:19)
Lakshmi, 8/15/22 (48:20)
Parvati, 8/17/22 (69:39)
Sita & Radha, 8/22/22 (48:33)
Ganga, 8/24/22 (129:46)
Ardhanarishvara, 8/29/22 (50:38)
July 2022, the Four Yogas
Karma Yoga: the path of service, 7/6/22 (69:20)
Bhakti Yoga: the path of devotion, 7/11/22 (50:50)
Jnana Yoga: the path of knowledge, 7/20/22 (69:06)
Raja Yoga: the path of meditation, 7/25/22 (47:20)
Four Yogas Integration Class, 7/27/22 (63:04)
June 2022, Yamas & Niyamas
Ahimsa: Caring for ourselves, 6/1/22 (64:02)
Satya: grounding into your truth, 6/6/22 (69:58)
Asteya & Bramacharya: Fully appreciating what you have with right effort, 6/8/22 (66:24)
Aparigraha: holding gently, 6/13/22 (49:14)
Saucha: inner sweep, 6/15/22 (71:44)
Santosha: Finding ease, 6/20/22 (47:53)
Tapas: Stoking your inner flames, 6/22/22 (57:53)
Svadhyaya: knowing your inner landscape, 6/27/22 (51:17)
Isvara Pranidhana: balancing surrender and engagement, 6/29/22 (65:24)
May 2022, Yogini's Choice
Upper Back Flow, 5/2/22 (66:35)
Hippy Flow, 5/9/22 (66:40)
Chest of Compassion, 5/11/22 (70:44)
Mourning Doves & Excess Baggage, 5/16/22 (68:21)
Breathe & Flow, 5/18/22 (67:29)
Union of Opposites, 5/23/22 (67:04)
Keeping an Open Heart, 5/25/22 (63:08)
April 2022, Subtle Body III, heart to head
Flying Bandha 4/4/22 (69:41)
Lungs, Heart, and Hands 4/6/22 (68:19)
Inseams of the Arms & Legs, 4/11/22 (70:33)
Yoga for Depression, 4/13/22 (71:10)
Eyes of the Heart, 4/18/22 (74:46)
Neck as the Head & Heart Bridge, 4/20/22 (74:15)
Three Sets of Heels, 4/25/22 (66:04)
Gates of the Head, 4/27/22 (64:56)
March 2022, Subtle Body II, pelvis to heart
Rooting into a World in Dis-Ease (64:06)
The Yin-Yang of Lungs & Large Intestine (71:46)
Belly of the Beast (68:49)
Solar Plexus & the Ram (68:40)
Modulating the Adrenal Fire (71:27)
Diaphragm Bindu Heart (72:01)
February 2022, The Subtle Body I, feet to pelvis
Sacrum + Cranium (66:30)
Mindul Soles (62:13)
Feet as Gateways (66:24)
Heels of the Pelvis (60:28)
Pelvic Floor (62:48)
Sacred Sacrum (74:50)
January 2022, Challenge of Change
Approaching Change (54:39)
The Movers of Change - the gunas (60:47)
"Potpourri" Practice with a guest! (74:19)
Changing back again (70:25)
Vikrukti - Using our broken parts to guide us (65:08)
Getting back on our feet (57:49)
Rolling with Resistance (67:56)
December 2021, Gentle Movement & Pranayama
Class 1 (41:37)
Class 2 (48:00)
Grounding into the Earth (50:16)
Gentle movement with breathwork (42:58)
Recalibrating expectations! (46:52)
November 2021, Pranayama & Meditation
Nadi Shodhana (alternate nostril breathing) & Silent Meditation (30:23)
Four Part Breath (31:55)
Incremental Breath (32:05)
Review, Integration, and Meditation (29:12)
Bastrika pranayama (28:32)
Samavritti Breathing (35:38)
Blending multiple pranayama practices (32:54)
October 2021, Movement Patterns
Intro to Movement Patterns - with a guest appearance (69:45)
Muscular v Organic Energy (70:08)
Forward Folds (71:52)
Pushing & Pulling (72:54)
Spirals (74:22)
Steping with Core Activation (73:27)
Marma Points to Facilitate Backbending (73:51)
Twisting from the Core (73:31)
September 2021, Lunar Cycles
Lunar Cycles Intro (70:24)
Opening to the New Moon (69:05)
Ganesha & the Moon (73:10)
Waxing Gibbous Moon (73:47)
Full Moon (73:09)
Waning Gibbous Moon (72:26)
Waning Gibbous Moon 2 (72:39)
Waning Cresent Moon (66:32)
August 2021, Koshas
Rebounding After Travel (72:14)
Koshas Overview Practice (71:21)
Annamaya Kosha (70:01)
Pranamaya Kosha (73:08)
Manomaya Kosha (72:38)
Vijnanamaya Kosha (72:41)
Anandamaya Kosha (72:48)
Kosha Integration & Review Practice (72:37)
July 2021, The Doshas
Introduction to the Doshas, balancing class (72:28)
What's my Dosha? (online assessment)
Vata Pacifying Practice (71:31)
Vata Practice 2 (72:27)
Pitta Pacifying Practice (71:14)
Pitta Practice 2 (70:33)
Kapha Pacifying Practice (40:18)
Kapha Practice 2 (36:16)
June 2021, Structural Anatomy
Feet: the mirrors of the body (74:24)
Feet to knees: symbiotic & codependent (71:52)
Knees to hips: quads & hamstrings (76:14)
Psoas: bridging upper & lower, inner & outer (74:48)
Pelvic floor: elusive, but critical (73:30)
Solar Plexus: fire in the belly (72:06)
Looping the Shoulder Girdle (74:26)
Neck: crossroads of the head and heart (72:59)
Hidden hyoid & breathing skull (72:49)
May 2021, Vedic Myths
Anjaneya, Hanuman, & hamstrings (73:03)
Fierce Goddess Durga (69:59)
Saraswati & finding our own truth (75:02)
Story of the Warrior Poses (Virabhadrasana I, II, & III) (76:26)
Halasana and ploughing intentions (70:56)
Ganesha's Elephant Head (74:36)
Teach online with
Diaphragm Bindu Heart
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